A Crash Course on Git

Sep 20, 2023

What is Git?

An open-source version control system for tracking modifications in source code and files.

As a software developer, git has been part and parcel of my daily development workflow, allowing me to coordinate my code changes with other developers with ease, without worrying that one may overwrite or break the codebase.

Below are some basic terminology in git.

Git Terms

git               Typed in the command line to run git commands                                           
repo              Shortform for repository                                                                             
local             A copy of the repository in a development machine                                              
remote/origin     The central repository hosted in the cloud/server                                                    
clone             Create a copy of the repository, in your local machine                                              
fork              Create a copy of the original repository in our Github account (Used in Github)                 
.gitignore        Specify which filenames to be excluded from tracking                                               
commit            A snapshot in the timeline of a git repository, identified by a descriptive message and an SHA id 
stage             List of files and code changes that are ready to be committed                                        
push              Apply commits from local to remote                                                                 
pull              Apply latest commits from remote to local                                                          
stash             Temporary changes made to a working repository                                                       
HEAD              Reference to the most recent commit in the current branch                                            
reset             Undo changes made by rolling back to previous commits                                                
branch            An independent line of development A lightweight movable pointer to a specific commit             
master            Usually denotes the main branch                                                                              
merge             Combine the changes of two or more branches into a single branch                                    
rebase            Reapply the changes made on a single branch on top of changes made from another branch          
Pull request      An event created by a contributor to discuss and merge new code changes to the main branch.          

Github != Git

Git is a version control software tool that is used in the command line.

Github is a web hosting service for managing git repositories in the cloud.

For most cases, users will use git to manage changes between repositories on their local machine and the remote ones in Github. Github is a web-hosting service that provides cloud-based storage and GUI for storing and managing the centralized repositories.

Glossary of Git Commands


git config --global user.name `name`           Set the name you want attached to your commits                      
git config --global user.email `email_address` Set the email you want attached to your commits                     
git config --global color.ui auto              Set automatic command line coloring for easy reviewing of Git output            
export GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY=`boolean`             Environment variable for running git commands on server without SSL certificates 


git init         Initialize an existing directory as a Git repository  
git clone `url`  Clone a repository using a remote url                 

Change Management

git status                          Show modified files in working directory, staged for your next commit                                    
git add `file`                      Add a file to the stage before your next commit                                                   
git rm `file`                       Delete the file from project and stage the removal for commit                                            
git diff                            Difference between what is changed but not staged                                                         
git diff \-\-staged                 Difference between what is staged but not yet commited                                                    
git commit -m `descriptive_message` Commit your staged content as a new commit snapshot                                                      
git push                            Apply your local branch commits to the remote repository branch                                         
git pull                            Fetch and merge any commits from the tracking remote branch                                               
git reset `file`                    Unstage a file while retaining the changes in working directory                                           
git reset \-\-soft `commit`         Rewrite working tree from specified commit Re-apply changes made to the staging area for that commit 
git reset \-\-hard `commit`         Rewrite working tree from specified commit Clears the staging area                                       
git push origin -f `branch`         Force push branch to set the remote HEAD at the current commit                                 
git show `commit`                   Show one or more objects (blobs, trees, tags and commits)                                                
git blame `filename`                Show history of commits made on the specific file                                                        

Branch Management

git branch                         List all your local branches. A \* will appear next to the currently active branch. Adding a -a flag lists all possible branches (local + remote) 
git branch `branch`                Create a new branch at the current commit                                                                                                               
git fetch origin `branch`          Fetch remote repository branch and create a local one                                                                                                                      
git checkout `branch`              Switch to target branch                                                                                                                                
git merge `branch`                 Merge the specified branch\'s history into the current one                                                                                               
git rebase `branch`                Apply any commits of current branch ahead of specified one                                                                                             
git branch -m `oldname` `newname`  Rename branch from oldname to newname                                                                                                                   
git push origin --delete `oldname` or git push origin :`oldname` Delete old branch in remote                                                                                                                             
git push origin -u `newname`       Push new local branch and set the remote branch (newname) to track the current local branch                                                        
git diff `branchB`...`branchA`     Show the difference of what is in branchA that is not in branchB                                                                                              
git log                            Show all commits in the current branch\'s history                                                                                                        

Stash Management

git stash        Save modified and staged changes            
git stash list   List stack-order of stashed file changes    
git stash pop    Write working from top of stash stack       
git stash drop   Discard the changes from top of stash stack 


The above list collates the many commands that I usually use in my day-to-day. This list is especially useful if you need remedies to common problematic scenarios (Eg. Accidentally pushing commits to master/dev branches: git reset; Trying to trace past commits for a specific file: git blame). Despite being around for almost 20 years, git still serves as a primary version control tool for many developers today. With most projects requiring multiple hands on deck and remote work being the new normal, it is hard for one to work on a project properly without it.

  1. Git vs. GitHub: What's the Difference?

  2. Git Cheat Sheet Education PDF

  3. Git Commands List for Beginners - Learn the Essential Git Commands in 30 Minutes

  4. Stackoverflow - Renaming a branch in Github

  5. Git vs GitHub: Difference Between Git and GitHub